Pick Your Battles
The Unshakable Journey is a comprehensive program consisting of live online webinars, Bible studies, and access to our online community

 To live life with deep joy?  

To rest well, knowing you can fully trust the Lord?

True transformation takes time, intentionality, and determination. You need a guide — the Holy Spirit — and a plan. 
That’s where we come in. 
The Unshakable Journey is a comprehensive program consisting of live online webinars, Bible studies, and access to our online community.

Each component is designed to strengthen the foundation of your faith so that even when life’s circumstances rattle your peace,
you can stand unshaken on the knowledge of who you are in Christ.

Your transformation starts here. Simply commit to our program which is designed to take less than 20 minutes a day. Then behold how God will radically transform your life! Join a powerful community of sisters for this two-semester-program and discover the unshakable woman God designed you to be!

Be filled with joy. Rest secure. Live Unshakable. 
Become Unshakable!

I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.

Psalm 16:8-9

Over the span of this journey, you will learn so many practical life lessons through the powerful stories of women in the Bible – women of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. 

Together, we will face many of the common roadblocks that frequently hinder women from becoming the mighty warriors they were designed to be. These roadblocks include: insecurity, fear, guilt, shame, and more. 

If you commit to the process, by the end you will be: secure in your identity, knowledgeable about your purpose, and able to move forward in that purpose with strength, confidence, and passion.

As you experience difficult terrain (and you will!), you will be unshakable because you will understand who you are in Christ.
Join Unshakable Today

By joining us in the Unshakable Journey, you will unlock access to live online webinars, Bible studies, and our online community.

Join the waitlist to be the first to hear when the doors to the Unshakable Journey officially open:

Are you or a woman you mentor in need of discounted scholarship pricing? We can help.

Fill out the form on our contact page to apply.

Inquire About Scholarships
The Unshakable Journey is a comprehensive program consisting of live online webinars, Bible studies, and access to our online community
We will start in January, 2025

This journey is only offered annually, and once the enrollment window closes, it won’t open again for a year. Don’t miss your opportunity to join your fellow Mighty Warriors. 

Picture how amazing it will feel to have a solid foundation the next time trouble finds you. Envision facing your doubts, insecurities, and fears and emerging victorious. Imagine how confident and strong you will feel and what a difference that will make in every area of your life, including your relationships, your career, your mental health, and more.

Say no more, I'm ready!
FAQ for the Unshakable Journey with His Mighty Warriors
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We're here to help!

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